


生殖法律求助热线,给您的生殖生活,包括终止妊娠、妊娠丢失、以及生产,提供免费、保密的法律援助。 你们了解自己。 我们了解法律。 无论您多大年纪,我们不带批判的法律援助都可以帮助您作出对您最好的决定。 不确定我们是否能帮助您? 联系我们,然后我们会告诉您



我们不售卖或提供终止妊娠药物。 我们也不能给您医疗建议 这个求助热线只能回答有关美国法律的问题。



您可以通过拨打844-868-2812,来联系生殖法律求助热线并留下语音消息,或者您也可以填写我们的安全表格。 无论您用何种方法连我们,我们总是会对您的信息保密。 我们永远也不会联系警察、移民局、或任何其它州政府机构。 我们在此保护您不受政府侵害。



如果您提交表格,您会得到一封确认邮件。 如果您不想收到确认邮件,请打电话并留下语音消息。


  • 全名(说并拼写)
  • 年龄
  • 所在州
  • 我们是否能给您发短信或留下语音消息
  • 有关您为什么打电话的一些信息

我们在2个工作日内回复所有问题。 但是如果您因为终止妊娠或者妊娠丢失,而被警察问话、逮捕、或调查,我们会立即联系您。 如果您寻求可以拯救您生命的医疗服务被拒绝,我们也会立即联系您。



We respond to all emergencies within 12 hours. For all other legal questions, we will get back to you within 2 business days.

If you are a pregnant or birthing person looking for information about the laws in your state or are in need of legal advice, please click no and continue with this form.
If/When/How provides technical assistance to reproductive health, rights, and justice organizations, abortion funds, health care providers, law students, and lawyers about abortion laws throughout the United States, including up-to-date information about access to clinical care, self-managed abortion, forced parental involvement laws and judicial bypass, birth justice, and mandated reporting requirements for health care providers. The technical assistance we provide includes legal information and trainings.

The Repro Legal Helpline does not provide financial assistance.
 You can ask the clinic where you will be getting care if they have funding through a local abortion fund or contact the National Abortion Federation Hotline (1-800-772-9100). You can also look for financial support from a local organization in your community by going to the National Network of Abortion FundsI Need an A, or Abortion Finder . 

Ask your lawyer to contact us.
If you’re contacting the Repro Legal Helpline about a case where you already have a lawyer, we cannot give you legal advice or find you a new lawyer. But you can ask your lawyer to contact our Helpline if you need our support.

Confirming your pregnancy as soon as possible is important to understand what type of care you can access and where you can access it

We do not sell or provide abortion pills and cannot tell people where to get abortion pills. We cannot give medical advice. We do not provide financial assistance for abortions.

We respond to people of all ages, but laws can be different for legal minors. This means the answer to your question may depend on your age, and we ask for your age to be able to give you the most accurate information.

We ask for your city in case we need to connect you with a lawyer or local resources.

We are based in the U.S. and can only answer legal questions about U.S. laws.

Blocked numbers show up on caller ID as "Unknown" or "No Number." Some phones will automatically send these calls to voicemail.

We will do our best to call you at the requested time, and will make three attempts to reach you.













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